How To Build A Website For Your Business | Step-by-Step Guide

Want To Increase Your Online Sales And Want To Reach More Customers In 2021? Trust Me Now It’s So Easy To Build A Website For Your Business Without Coding.

What Is Required To Build A Website For Your Business?

To Build A Website For Your Business There Are Only 3 Things Required, And That Is…

  • Domain Name (A Web Address like
  • Website Hosting (A Service That Connects Your WebSite To The Internet)
  • Website Builder (Optional) (A Tool That Allows User To Build A Website Using Pre-made Templates)

Choose Your Custom Domain Name

It’s time to pick a perfect custom domain name for your business website, just think when customers ask about your business and business website, what will you say? 

Once you finalized your perfect custom domain name for your business website, now you can choose which extension you want to use in your custom domain name for your business website ( for example .com, .in, .org, .net, .xyz, etc…),



This is just an example of website extensions, you can choose any website extension from the list:- Website Extension List, website extension is also called TLD (Top-level Domain). I personally recommend it .com domain website extension for your business website.

Where Do I Get My Custom Domain Name?

I’ve mostly used and also recommend it to all, I personally choose GoDaddy as a domain registrar for myself.

GoDaddy - Get My Custom Domain Name

Their custom domain name costs are really so cheap compared to other domain registrars, and everybody can afford it.

Choose A Website Hosting Company

Website hosting is a service that connects your domain name to the internet, there are lots of hosting available in the market but for the beginning purposes, I recommend Shared Hosting(WordPress).

Where Do I Get The Best Hosting Service Provider For My Business?

Personally, I’ve mostly used as a Website Hosting service provider for myself and also I recommend to my clients to use Bluehost website hosting.

Bluehost - The Best Hosting Service Provider

Why Bluehost Hosting Service Provider?

Bluehost is recommended by WordPress since 2005, and also Bluehost gives so many features and benefits like Free drag-and-drop Website Builder, SEO tools & CDN (Content Delivery Network), Free SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate, Professional Email in cPanel, Free Site Migration, 24/7 support, etc…

If you will go to buy every feature separately, Its costs go out of budget, for example – SEO tools cost ₹4299/yr value, CDN cost ₹4499/yr value, SSL Certificate cost ₹2712 /yr value, etc…

Get A Website Builder (Optional)

Basically, A Website builder is a tool that allows users to build a website using pre-made templates, Website builder is optional if you don’t know how to customize a website as you want, then you can use a website builder.

GoDaddy - Website Builder

Where Do I Get The Best Website Builder?

Personally, I don’t use a website builder for my websites but based on the market review I can suggest GoDaddy Website Builder because GoDaddy has lots of pre-made Beautiful and Amazing templates for business websites.

What Next?

At this point, you need to connect your Business custom domain name with your website hosting, it’s a very complicated process and you can also search on youtube if you get any errors.

Set Up A Website And Start Adding Content

Once you connect your custom domain name with your website hosting, you will have your cPanel access, now go to cPanel and install WordPress to start creating your business website. basically, WordPress gives access to your website backend, where you can manage your business website or personal website.

Start Adding Content

Now Select a Theme that you like for your business, For that, in the main dashboard, simply go to Appearance > Themes, it will redirect you to the Current Theme page now go to Themes, now select any one theme and install that theme. once you installed the theme, now you are good to go start uploading and adding your company details, products, company location, etc…

Digital Marketing Tips to Grow Your Business Website 

Once your website is ready you also required Digital Marketing for your business, you can see these Digital Marketing Tips To Grow Your Business.


Congratulations! Now You Know How To Build A Website For Your Business And Also Added One Skill To Your Portfolio, I Hope This Article Helps You A Lot, If You Have Any Queries/Errors Then Feel Free To Comment.


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