Top 5 Free Best Online Entrepreneurship Courses On Udemy

Nowadays, It Is Becoming More And More Important To Have Some Kind Of Education When It Comes To Entrepreneurship. Here Are Top 5 Free Best Online Entrepreneurship Courses On Udemy. These Courses Will Help You Have A Better Understanding Of The Entrepreneur Mindset And Learn How To Implement It In Your Own Business.

Top 5 Best Online Entrepreneurship Courses

Top 5 Free Best Online Entrepreneurship Courses On Udemy

1. Entrepreneurship: The making of a great entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship: The making of a great entrepreneur - The Tech Explore

Learn how shifting your mindset and adopting these 7 core characteristics will make you a successful entrepreneur

What you’ll learn

  • An understanding of how successful entrepreneurs think and apply that thinking to your own life.
  • Get clarity on your ideas, find purpose and map out the vision for your business and life. These are the foundations which you will build your business upon for a life that you love.


  • The motivation to learn the skills required to become a successful entrepreneur.
  • The desire to build a purpose driven business.
  • You don’t need any previous experience in business or entrepreneurship.


Hi Everyone,

If we haven’t already met before, I’m Jack Delosa, Founder & CEO of Australia’s largest education institution for entrepreneurs, The Entourage. I’m also an author, investor and BRW Young Rich List Member.

I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 18 years-old, and since then have built several companies, which have reached heightened levels of success.

Having spent time with Richard Branson, and studied many iconic entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, I came to realise there were patterns for success in each of their journeys.

My research, coupled with my own experience in building businesses and large teams, has formed the basis of this course. Undertaking it will empower you with tangible frameworks and strategies you’ll need to start on your journey to becoming a great entrepreneur.

The beauty of entrepreneurship is that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. It’s going to be one of the hardest things you’ll ever pursue and will challenge you every step of the way. However, challenges are the very things that will enable you to grow, and ultimately pursue a life that means more to you.

In order to overcome these challenges, you need to be continuously learning, achieving and setting the bar higher for yourself. Through this course you’ll learn skills to that will enable you to:

  • Develop the independence of thought needed for decision-making
  • Craft the vision and mission for your life and business
  • Learn to take full responsibility of everything within and around you

Thank you for taking the time to do this course, I hope it resonates with you.

Live On Purpose,
Jack Delosa

PS: I’ve also included episodes of #AskJackD, my online show and podcast. Through this series I respond to questions around building a successful business and overcoming the challenges of entrepreneurship. You can watch the show by heading to my Facebook page: Jack Delosa.

Who this course is for:

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators who view business as a vehicle to change the world.
  • Anyone who holds an unfulfilled dream of starting a business.
  • Current business owners who want to get clarity on their vision, missions and values.

Student feedback

Course Rating: 4.6

2. NEW Lean Startup Principles Save Entrepreneurs a Fortune!

NEW Lean Startup Principles Save Entrepreneurs a Fortune! - The Tech Explore

Learn how to identify a problem, solve that problem, and get paid to solve that problem; without any startup capital

What you’ll learn

  • Efficiently build profitable businesses using lean principles
  • Extract highly profitable business ideas from customer interviews
  • How to build an MVP that proves your business’s assumptions
  • How to grow your business using customer feedback and testing


  • A desire to learn
  • A willingness to try new things
  • A phone


You want to start a business

Do you have the desire to start a business but don’t know where to start? 

The amount of information available to someone like you that wants to start a business is overwhelming.

Information overload is stopping you

Too much information is preventing you from taking action. You don’t want to ‘do it wrong.’ 

Or you feel like you need to learn more first and then you will be ready to start your business.

Businesses should be simple

The truth is starting a business doesn’t have to be hard. At its core a business is simply a solution to a problem people are having. That’s it.

Lean principles help you focus on what matters

Lean principles allow you to focus on the core of a business while ignoring all the other stuff that doesn’t matter. 

In this course you will learn about the 3-steps to building a profitable business.

  1. Customer Development (find a problem to solve)
  2. The MVP (see if people are willing to pay for a solution)
  3. Build the solution (create your business based on customer feedback)

Why these principles are so powerful

Have you heard of startups burning through thousands of dollars? 

The truth is most new businesses need a lot of funding because they don’t use lean principles and end up wasting a lot of money.

There is a much more effective way for you to start a business. 

In this course you will find problems to solve by talking to potential customers. 

You will then test to see if this is a problem people are willing to pay for using an MVP.

This means you don’t need to spend any money until you have already validated your idea by having people pay you. 

This eliminates all the guesswork and waste when creating a profitable business.

Get started right now

Start learning these lean principles right now. You will be amazed at how simple it can be to start a profitable business.

There are an endless number of unsolved problems out there. Problems that require a solution that people are willing to pay for. 

This course will teach you how to find and solve them.

Click on the green ‘Start Learning Now’ button in the top right hand corner to instantly learn these lean principles.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is designed for students that have a strong entrepreneurial desire
  • This course is designed for people that aren’t married to a single idea
  • This course is not designed for people looking for a get rich quick scheme
  • This course is not for people that want to start a business on their own without talking to other people

The Best 7 Tips To Increase Productivity In The Workplace

Student feedback

Course Rating: 4.4

3. How to Start a Startup / Business

How to Start a Startup / Business - The Tech Explore

An introductory course for anyone interested in starting a startup or business.

What you’ll learn

  • By the end of this course you will have all the tools necessary to start your very own company!


  • A basic idea for a business.
  • You should be based in the USA.


Have you spent hours, days, months or even years sitting around dreaming about starting your own business? Why haven’t you started? Do you think it’s too hard to get started? Don’t know where to start?

If so, then this course is for you. “How to Start a Startup / Business” is designed for anyone to understand the basics of what it takes to start a business. By the end of this short course you will be able to get your startup up and running!

Who this course is for:

  • Aspring entrepreneurs and first time startup founders.

How To Choose A Brand Name: 4 Best Tips For Naming Your Business

Student feedback

Course Rating: 4.3

4. The Entrepreneurship Basis Course

The Entrepreneurship Basis Course - The Tech Explore

Have absolute clarity about your Sales and Marketing Plans

What you’ll learn

  • Many ideas on how to create a successful marketing campaign.
  • Marketing Strategies on how to generate new leads and customers.
  • Proven strategies on how to get customers to come back frequently.
  • Ways to improve customer experience.
  • 6 Steps to convert a potential lead into customer (Sales Process).
  • Bonus: The Business Mindset & Business Model Validation.


  • A strong desire and passion to begin a business.
  • Belief that you can achieve greatest as an entrepreneur
  • Have high self-esteem, confident and want to make a different


This course is a simple, quick start short course for people who like to learn more about:

– Easy strategies to generate more customer

– Immediate plans to improve business revenue

– Create a great customer experience to get a customer to return often

– The no-money FREE ways to do BRANDING

– 6 Steps Sales Process which you bring you instant results

– Bonus: Have Absolute Clarity and Validity about your Business Mindset and Business Model

Who this course is for:

  • Startup Entrepreneur who is going to venture in a retails business or start an online business selling products.
  • Business owner who like to understand more about Sales and Marketing strategies and tactics
  • Marketers who are looking for great ideas
Course Rating: 3.8

5. Intellectual Property: Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Creators

Intellectual Property: Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Creators - The Tech Explore

Develop a working knowledge of the basics of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.

What you’ll learn

  • Explain the basics of intellectual property policies.
  • Understand how intellectual property protections benefit individual creators, business owners, and entrepreneurs.
  • Describe the relationship between intellectual property protection and economic growth.
  • Discuss the historical origins of intellectual property law in the United States.


  • None.


[PRO TIP: To better follow along with the course material, turn on the Transcripts feature located on the right hand corner of the video next to the Volume icon]

Intellectual Property: Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Creators

Protecting innovations and creative work is more crucial than ever in today’s Knowledge Economy. “Intellectual Property: Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Creators” teaches the basics of IP to ordinary citizens, making IP accessible to everyone, not just lawyers and CEOs.

Why is Intellectual Property Important?

IP has grown from a narrowly specialized legal field into a major force in American social and economic life today. Today, IP comprises an astonishing 38 percent of total U.S. GDP, and represents 80 percent of the market value of all publicly-traded companies in the U.S.

Indeed, IP has become the new watchword in almost any career. Look around and you’ll see IP’s imprint everywhere. From Silicon Valley startups to Fortune 500 board rooms, from MIT engineering labs to Wall Street trading desks, and from college business seminars to debates in Congress over global trade policy, IP issues now lie at the heart of almost every arena of modern life today.

As a result, any person today who does not understand at least the basics of intellectual property — and its value and role in science, business, arts, and the professions — will find him or herself at a distinct disadvantage in the world of tomorrow.

Why Take the Course?

If you are an innovator, entrepreneur, or creator of any kind,  this course will equip you with the necessary knowledge to protect and capitalize on your intellectual property (IP).

  • Patents: How do exclusive rights to your inventions benefit you and society? Find out what’s patentable, what’s not, and how to navigate the patent system successfully.
  • Copyrights: Learn how you can protect a wide variety of artistic and intellectual works. What’s Fair Use – and what’s not?
  • Trademarks: Why are trademarked words, names, and symbols so valuable – and how can you protect them?
  • Trade Secrets: Do you have to publicly disclose your creation to gain legal protection?

Written by Experts

“Intellectual Property: Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Creators” is based on The Michelson Institute for Intellectual Property’s IP textbook The Intangible Advantage: Understanding Intellectual Property in the New Economy. Authored by Pulitzer Prize-nominated intellectual property expert David Kline, with former Undersecretary of Commerce and Director of the Patent Office David Kappos serving as executive editor.

To get the most out of this course, download The Intangible Advantage on the MichelsonIP website, where you’ll find the text-only version of the book along with an interactive eBook with built-in learning assessment tools (available in iBooks). You can also access our short animated video series on YouTube, answering the most frequently asked IP questions.

This course is presented by The Michelson Institute for Intellectual Property, an initiative of The Michelson 20MM Foundation, in partnership with The Intellectual Property Owners Education Foundation. Michelson 20MM and its initiatives are made possible by the generous support of Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson and his wife, Alya Michelson.

Who this course is for:

  • The content in this course is appropriate for everyone ages 15 years and up.
  • Innovators: Inventors, artists, startup founders, investors, researchers, and anyone else in the innovation ecosystem — learn how you can, and why you should, protect your creations.
  • Legal Professionals: Attorneys, licensing and technology transfer professionals — learn how you can use this resource to help your clients, students, or your overall brand in the competitive world of intellectual property.
  • Educators: Teachers and professors — prepare your students for the new economy and the role intellectual property will play in their future careers.
Course Rating: 4.4


I Hope the above Given Top 5 Free Best Online Entrepreneurship Courses On Udemy is useful to you. if you have any questions feel free to comment your question.

The Tech Explore